
Gaseous emissions of pollutant from industries are responsible for rising discomfort, increasing air way diseases. To prevent harmful environmental effects there is a widespread interest in controlling and regulating gaseous emissions but sources of contaminations are often difficult to monitor .Gis technology manages statistical and spatial data to provide a tool that aids in monitoring pollutant emissions.
The aims of this paper were to present statistical analysis and cartography of Hydrogen sulfide (H2S) in industrial areas (Mdhilla, near a factory of transformation of rough phosphate into super triple phosphate) using geostatistical method, simple and ordinary kriging were selected for this study.
Hydrogen sulfide hourly passive samples collected in 18 sample points (A1, A2, A3, A4 ,A5, A6 ,B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, B6 ,C1 C2, C3, C4, C5 ,C6 ) in city of Mdhilla shows that H2S concentration exceeds frequently the 200 µg/m3Tunisian standard limits at sampling stations (A1, A3, A5, A6 ,B1, B6 ,C1).

- Nom et prénom: Mohamed Raja
- Date et lieu de naissance: 29/06/1984 Gafsa
- Nationalité: Tunisienne
- Les diplômes obtenus :
- 2003 : Baccalauréat Sciences Expérimentale : mention(Bien)
- 2008: Diplôme de Maîtrise Sciences Physique
- 2009 : Diplôme de mastère en chimie industrielle et environnement : mention très bien, major de promotion
- 2010 : inscription 1ére thèse de doctorat spécialité génie chimique de procédé
- 2011 : inscription 2ére thèse de doctorat spécialité génie chimique de procédé
- Stages :
- Stage de recherche durant 4 mois au sein de laboratoire département système énergétique et environnement école de Mine de Nantes.
- Stage de recherche durant 6 mois au sein de centre de recherche Metlaoui .