Publisher’s guide:

« Geo SP » is a magazine specialized in the publication of scientific studies and researches in the field of geography and other sciences related to it. This magazine enables you to publish your researches quickly, regularly and in different languages; it paves the way for you to scientific creativity and reputation at the international level and it gives you the chance to know about the latest scientific innovations.

Geo SP publications should be in the field of environment, geographical sciences and others related to this field.

Publication fields:

To be accepted, researches, studies, work papers and articles should be about the following subjects:

1. Geomatics technology and its different applications

- GIS/ cartography/ aerial photographs/ satellite imagery/ Global positioning system (GPS)

2. Geographical sciences/ agricultural geography/ population geography/ cities/ development/ industrial, human, biogeography

3. Soil and water sciences

4. Climate sciences, climate changes, desertification, desert, and natural disasters studies

5. Geology and geomorphology

6. Sea sciences, oceans and water surfaces

7. Urban planning

8. Transport and mobility

9. Environmental studies

10. Archeological and touristic studies

11. Social, population and human studies

Other scientific researches about our territories with its economic, social, human and cultural aspects are accepted in addition to other fields related to geomatics and its different applications.

Publication rules


• Researches, studies and articles which will be published in the magazine are subject to scientific arbitration by a scientific committee composed of academics and qualified specialists at the Arab and international levels.

• The editorial board decides whether to send certain researches to arbitration.

• The researcher is informed about the reception of his/her research.

• The research, to be published, is received by three arbitrators without mentioning the name/s of the researcher or researchers.

• The research, approved on its publication, is published by two arbitrators according to the date of its final acceptance.

• When the research is accepted with no remarks, the publication procedures are carried on.

• In case of inclusion of remarks, the research is sent back to be modified by the researcher before its publication.

• The research does not get a final approval for publication unless the research modifies it according to the arbitrators’ remarks.

• Authors the only ones responsible for the content of their researches and whatever the views do not necessarily reflect the of editorial board’s view.

Termes of publication:

• The search must be original, innovative and serious and should follow the scientific and objective authorship methodology.

• The research must not be published previously.

• It must meet the requirements of academic judgment and scientific integrity.

Publication instructions:

• The researcher provides an abstract of his research in 2 languages: the native language and another foreign language of publication with one abstract page in each language.

• The researches and studies are sent via e-mail or on a flash disk or CD.

• Footnotes and explanatory notes are Organized according to their order in the research.

• The references are indicated in the index as follows:

Name of the other, year of publication and number of the page between parenthesis

• If the number of authors is more than 2, the name of the first author is written in the text and the rest of names are written in the final list of references regardless to their number.

• References and sources are written in a single list at the end of the research and Organized alphabetically according to last names.

• The sources list follows the following order:

The last name and the first name of the author/year of the publication/the title of the source/ region of publication/ country of publication.

• Documents, tables, diagrams and maps are referred to by numbers according to their order in the text.

• The title of research, the researcher’s name his title and his foundation’s name are written at the top of the research.

• Researchers are arranged only according to technical considerations of the magazine.

• The research is not given back to its owner whether it is published or not.

• The copyright of each research published in the magazine is owned only by the magazine, thus, the author cannot republish it elsewhere.

 Fees and expenses:

Publication of articles costs 100 American Dollars or its equivalent and 350 U.S. dollars or equivalent for publication paper . Publication fees are paid after informing the researcher that his/her research is going to be published. Publication fees are a kind of participation in the magazine expenses.

Note: All published research paper will be published electronically for free

The papers accepted in the following congresses or events are free from charges:

- The international congress Geo Tunis organized by the Tunisian Association of Digital Geographic Information

- The international exhibition of investment in water, energy and GIS technologies organized by the Euro Arab Union of Geomatics

- Scientific works accomplished by academic institutions who contribute with us

- Researches and reports accomplished by university or master degree students

- Seminars, congress, and workshops organized by the Tunisian Association of Digital Geographic Information and the Euro Arab Union of Geomatics