
NASA Telescopes See Weather Patterns in Brown Dwarf

PASADENA, Calif. — Astronomers using NASA’s Spitzer and Hubble space telescopes have probed the stormy atmosphere of a brown dwarf, creating the most detailed “weather map” yet for this class of cool, st...
by Lamouchi Helmi

basrahuniv (Large)

University of literature of Basra holds its 5th edition of the Scientific Congress

  Geo SP has been informed that the University of Basra in south of Iraq is preparing the 5th edition of its scientific congress in mid spring 2013. The congress which will be sponsored by the president of the University o...
by Lamouchi Helmi


Global Sea Level

    This figure shows changes in global mean sea level as measured by satellite altimetry (NASA/CNES Topex/Poseidon and Jason-1; and NASA/CNES/NOAA/EUMETSAT Jason-2) between 1992 to 2012. The data have been averaged t...
by Lamouchi Helmi



PCI Geomatics Software Supports KOMPSAT-3 Sensor

RICHMOND HILL, Ontario, Canada, May 03, 2013 – PCI Geomatics, a world-leading developer of remote sensing and photogrammetric software and systems, announced today that it now supports KOMPSAT-3 imagery within its softwa...
by Lamouchi Helmi


NASA Finds 2012 Sustained Long-Term Climate Warming Trend

NASA scientists say 2012 was the ninth warmest of any year since 1880, continuing a long-term trend of rising global temperatures. With the exception of 1998, the nine warmest years in the 132-year record all have occurred sinc...
by Lamouchi Helmi


Clearest evidence yet of polar ice losses

30 November 2012 After two decades of satellite observations, an international team of experts brought together by ESA and NASA has produced the most accurate assessment of ice losses from Antarctica and Greenland to date. This...
by Lamouchi Helmi



NASA DEVELOP: Middle East Public Health and Air Quality

Summary: This past spring and summer, NASA DEVELOPstudent interns used NASA’s Earth Observing System to examine spectral characteristics of dust storms in the Middle East. The results of this study aided project partners by ...
by Lamouchi Helmi


Bluesky’s LiDAR experts educate Mouchel’s water industry professionals

The Mouchel Urban Drainage Academy (MUDA) trains water industry professionals Aerial mapping company Bluesky is helping water industry professionals understand the potential of laser captured height models. Following a request ...
by Lamouchi Helmi


MESSENGER Finds New Evidence for Water Ice at Mercury’s Poles

Mercury’s North Polar Region Acquired By The Arecibo Observatory Full Image and Caption A Mosaic of MESSENGER Images of Mercury’s North Polar Region Full Image and Caption Permanently Shadowed Polar Craters Full Ima...
by Lamouchi Helmi