The physiochemical parameters and five heavy metals in two central plants of drinking water on Babylon province –Iraq, Al-Mahaweel plant in Al-Mahaweel district northern city of Hilla Al-Mahaweel and central Hilla (Abu khistawi) plants were studied from October 2010 to September 2011. The first plant take symbol (A) and the second plant take symbol (B). Three locations for each plant were selected, river water (source), precipitation basin and samples of drinking water after treatment inside plant. The study involve estimate the concentration of heavy metals (lead, iron, cadmium, zinc and nickel) in water (inside and outside) the plant (dissolved and particulate phase) and the physiochemical indicators such as temperature, electrical conductivity, pH, turbidity, residual chlorine, total alkalinity, total hardness, calcium and magnesium. Dissolved heavy metals values in the A ranged between (23.53-28.99) µg/l, (18.2-22.62) µg/l, (3.1-3.98) µg/l, (16.49-20.12) µg/l and (ND-0.08) µg/l for lead, iron, cadmium, zinc and nickel respectively. Whereas the values in B ranged between (23.62-30.74) µg/l, (17.66-25.74) µg/l, (3.34-3.85) µg/l,(14.41-21.62) µg/l and (ND-0.016) µg/l for lead, iron, cadmium, zinc and nickel respectively. Particulate heavy metals values in the A ranged between (167.94-189.16) µg/gm, (155.83-280.83) µg/gm, (25.38-31.2) µg/gm, (179.16-242.49) µg/gm and (ND-0.12) µg/gm for lead, iron, cadmium, zinc and nickel respectively. Whereas the values in B ranged between (161.61-221.25) µg/gm, (149.16-286.25) µg/gm, (25.41-32.37) µg/gm, (169.85-239.85) µg/gm and (ND-0.25) µg/gm for lead, iron, cadmium, zinc and nickel respectively.
Jasim Mohammed Salman
- الاسم الكامل: الأستاذ المساعد الدكتور جاسم محمد سلمان حمادي
- العنوان :الحله – محافظة بابل_العراق
- موقع العمل : العراق _جامعة بابل .
- تاريخ ومكان الولاده: الحله _1967
- شهادة البكلوريوس : جامعة بغداد _كلية العلوم _قسم علوم الحياة /1989_1990
- شهادة الماجستير: جامعة بابل _كلية العلوم –قسم علوم الحياة / 2001
- شهادة الدكتوراه : جامعة بابل _كلية العلوم _قسم علوم الحياة _بيئه وتلوث / 2006
- مكان العمل : جامعة بابل _كلية العلوم _قسم علوم الحياة + مدير مركز بحوث البيئة.
- التخصص العام : علوم حياة _ بيئه وتلوث
- التخصص الدقيق : بيئه مائيه _تلوث مياه _بيئة مياه عذبه - بايولوجية مياه _معالجة مياه فضلات _سموم بيئه _تنوع احيائي – ادلة حياتية – تقانات بيئية.
- عنوان بحث الدكتوراه : دراسة بعض الملوثات المحتمله في نهر الفرات بين سدة الهنديه والكوفه _العراق.
- مجالات التخصص ومكان الدراسه : المسطحات المائيه العراقيه ,انهار(الفرات ,الحله ,الكوفه _العباسيه), بيئة الهائمات النباتيه ,بيئة النواعم ,بيئة النباتات المائيه ,الادله المائيه ,نوعية وتلوث المياه ,المؤشرات الحياتيه البيئيه ,الطاقه الحيويه والوقود الحيوي
العناصر الثقيلة , المركبات الهايدروكاربونية.
الدورات وورش العمل :
1- ورشة عمل حول دراسة الاراضي الرطبه في اهوار جنوب العراق _جامعة البصره _مركز علوم البحار 2005 بالتعاون مع جامعة واترلو الكندية.
2- ورشة عمل حول الصحة البيئية , منظمة الصحة العالمية، 2007 \ عمان _الاردن
3- نظم اجهزه الحاسبه تطبيقات نظام الوندوس والانترنيت ,مركز الحاسبه الاكترونية _جامعة بابل.
4- ورشة عمل حول التلوث البيئي \ وزارة البيئه - بغداد27_29/9/2011
5- ورشة عمل حول ادارة الانهار والمراقبة البيئية فيها ,جامعة كاليفورنيا -الولايات المتحدة الامريكية-حزيران 2012.
البحوث المنشورة والمقبولة للنشر:
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9- Toxic Effect of Lead on some reproductive system in Mal of Albino Mice. Journal of Babylon University, 2011,19(3):894-899.
10- The clam Psedodentopasis euphraticas (Bourguignat,1852) as a Bioaccumulation indicator organism of Heavy Metals in Euphrates River-Iraq. Journal of Babylon University ,19(3): 884-893,2011.
11- Effect of some ecological factors on the toxicity of pesticide Lambada-Cyhalothrin in fresh water snail Lymnaea auricularia L. Kufa J. of Biology ,3(2):42-54,2011.
13-Invistigating of some physico-chemical properties and bacteriological indicator in some drinking water plants in Babylon provinous ,Iraq. Journal of Babylon University ,2011 (accepted to published).
14- Used the Sediment in Monitoring the heavy metals pollution in Hilla River, Iraq. International Journal of Environmental Science, (ISSN 2249 2127) in Volume No.1 (2) issue January–March 2012 Page No 243 to 248.
15- Total Chlorophyll and heavy metals in some aquatic plants in Euphrates river , Iraq. Environmental Toxicology ,USA, 2012 (accepted to published).
16- Water quality and some heavy metals in Euphrates River,Iraq.
XII International Symposium on Environmental Geotechnology, Energy and Global Sustainable Development (ISEG2012) , Los Angeles, CA,USA, June 27-29, 2012.
17- Ecological diversity of Phytoplankton in Euphrates River,Iraq. Iraqi J.of Biology. Baghdad University, (accepted to published) 2012.
18- A Study of Eupipilic algae in Euphrates River,Iraq.( Unpolished)
19- Air pollution Tolerance Index (APTI) of some plants to monitoring of air pollution in Hilla city, Iraq. ,Journal of Karbala University ,2011-(The first international scientific conference on the Environment 2011, p. 43-53).
20- Seasonal Variations of Some Heavy Elements in Fishes Muscles Khushani Liza abu Heckel and common carp Cyprinus carpio Linnaeus and Shilluk Aspius vorax Heckeland in Euphrates River / Iraq
J. of Al-Qadasyia University of pure Science, 2012 -(accepted to published
21- Diversity and community structure of Fish in Euphrates River,Iraq. J of Life Science-USA , 2012 (Under reviewing ).
22- Diversity of Epipilic Algae in Hilla River ,Iraq. (Unpublished).
23- DNA damage in common carp fish (Cyprenus carpio L.) induced by acute exposure to copper & cadmium . World Journal of Applied Science(Pakistan) (accepted to published),2012.
بحوث تحت العمل:
1.Microbial pollution in water and sediment of Hilla River,Iraq.
2.Study on PAH compounds of water and sediment in Hilla river-Iraq.
3Bioremidation of organic pollutants by some bacterial species .
4- Used of some Bioindicators to study the heavy metals pollution in Euphrates River.
5- A Study of some heavy metals in tow plant of drinking water treatment in Babylon provinous .
6Variation of heavy metals concentration in some plants near bank of Euphrates river,Iraq.
7- The toxic effect of Pb and Ni on freshwater snail Physa acuta (Draparnaud,1805)
8-Study of vertical diversity of phytoplankton on Al-Hilla river.
9-A comparative study of some heavy metals in leave and roots of aquatic plant Phragmitus austaralis from different sites on Euphrates river-Iraq.
10- Ecological study of aquatic Birds in some Fish farms in Babylon Governorate
11-Study of some bacterial indicators of pollution in water &sediment on Hilla river,Iraq.
12- Study of water quality of Euphrates river-Iraq by GIS.
River ,Iraq 13- Check-list of algae in Hilla