
In recent decade water resources has decreased and the groundwater level has been falling down in Iran. The best solution is groundwater management and artificial recharge (AR) using surface water. The main objective of this research is to identify the AR sites using Fuzzy logic in the Shahrekord plain, Shahrekord, Iran. Effective factors on AR collected including slope, infiltration rate, thickness of unsaturated zone, surface water EC, landuse and stream network. They classified and weighted in ArcView 3.2a and ArcGIS 9.3 software and were integrated using multiplying operator in Fuzzy model. The results show that 4.79 and 17.94 percent of the plain area is suitable and medium suitability for AR, respectively. The values are 1.87 and 6.89 percent when the landuse restriction considered. Finally, 32 locations identified as having potential for AR.

A. Mahdavi1, S.H. Tabatabaei 2, M. Nouri3 and R. Mahdavi4
- Soil infiltration
- Surface and subsurface irrigation
- Flow in Porous media
- Groundwater modeling
- Water and solute transport in soil
- Wastewater reuse
- Evapotranspiration
- Ferttigation in surface irrigation
- New challenges in soil physics (Fractal, Scaling)
- Remote sensing and GIS